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Jim McCarthy

Digital Artist


I've enjoyed drawing characters and viewing illustrations since childhood. Looking at cartoons, whether in the comics, editorials or ads, I appreciated the artwork and messages the artists were trying to convey.


 As a young adult, I put drawing aside as life was occurring. I proudly enlisted in the U.S. Air Force where I learned about technical and professional discipline and attention to detail. This prepared me for a long career in bus maintenance.


 Drawing came back into my life when my young niece and nephew showed their interest and talent in drawing.  Watching them create something from their imaginations was such an inspiration for me. I began sketching new characters and loving art again.

 During breaks at work, I would doodle on any type of paper available.

As my love of drawing became stronger than ever, I took my first art class, ever, at The Essex Art Center in Lawrence, MA .


  I was introduced to digital art when my brother-in-law, Tom, gave me his old Mac computer with design software still on it. I was immediately hooked. It was a perfect blend of my love for art and technology. Thanks, Tom!


 Knowing I wanted to take my art more seriously, with great support and encouragement from my wife, I enrolled for classes at Northern Essex Community College where I became more proficient in my use of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator as well as the art of Drawing.


 Getting more involved in my local art community has opened my eyes to different styles and methods of artwork. I have come to learn from and really appreciate the artists' creative processes. Their support and encouragement has helped to free my mind and create artwork  that  I never thought I could. 


  I'm enjoying this journey of creativity as my methods of  artistic expression evolve. Check in often to see what's new.



Grassy Shore 17x11.jpg
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